Sunday, November 29, 2009

Practice makes perfect

Day our items arrived from the U.S. - William giddy to see his long, lost John Deere Gator

I used to believe in the saying, "Practice makes perfect." You know, the more you do something, the easier it gets. It's not that the task self gets easier, it's your ability to perform the task. Well, I am not sure I am drinking out of that water cooler any more. No, my absolute incompetence at moving has proved that this truth is not true for me.
Bill and I have moved way too many times. You already know this because you get my "We've moved! Here is our new address," email year after year. I am sure you are thinking, "Moved again! Those Davidsons are crazy!" Yes, we are nomads, but I am no more proficient having moved seven times in eight years than when we made our first trek from Utah to Chicago.
Throughout those many moves, I often needed rescuing as I drowned in the details, "Help!" Mom flying out, sister flying out, mom flying out, whew… This move to China was no exception; the Bettendorf, Iowa, schooner sent out an SOS signal. My niece Becca babysat our kids while we looked for a place to live in China. Bill's sister, Heather, flew out and helped us go through our Mt. Everest of stuff to determine what was Goodwill, Go to China, and Go to Storage. Tracy, also Bill's sister, helped us wrap up all our loose ends, watched kids on packing and moving days, and bought last minute items to help us survive the China Wilderness. (Thank you again for all your help!)

Bill tries to give me some perspective saying, "Well, not everyone relocates their family to China from beginning to end in a total of six weeks." Getting Chinese visas, medical visits, house hunting trip to China, selling a house in Bettendorf, sorting through every item we've ever owned, etc.

Our decision to move to China was a quick one and we still feel like we are just getting off the roller coaster. However, I have lied to myself about this before, always having a reason why this move or that move was crazy. No, I have serious moving disease; we have been in our new house about six weeks and I still have boxes, loads of junk that needs to be organized and put away and I have a full time maid that does my cleaning and laundry. What is my excuse? After careful consideration and much contemplation, I have determined that I have an allergy to unpacking moving boxes, organizing piles, and putting away the same things time after time. This allergy forces me to throw myself into other projects and activities, like playing with my kids and being the PTA president. My unpacking and organizing avoidance is one that I have yet to manage. Maybe I just need a little more practice…

Moving in day - you can see why many of our items were broken when we unpacked. We are missing many, many boxes that no one seems to know were they are. Maybe pirates seized them at sea. More paperwork for us to fill out to try and recover the value of all our lost goods. (Gracie is devastated because she is missing her stuffed penguin.)

Trip to IKEA in Shanghai with my friend Sarah. I replaced many of the lost items and I picked up just a few thousand extra little things. Can anyone leave IKEA without jepordaizing your children's college fund? IKEA and I have a love/hate relationship.

William as "box head." He loved his box head and wore it around for long periods at a time. We made a large fort out of our moving boxes.

"Box Head"

Bill and William asleep suffering from jet lag the day after we got to Shanghai.

William in Shanghai airport after the long journey. He obviously didn't mind the 14 hour flight. Twelve hours into the flight he starting crawling up and down the isles and barking like a dog.

Family with all our luggage.

William on the airplane.

Ruth and Grace on the airplane eating dinner.

Moving day at Bettendorf house. I miss my flowers.

Ruth had surgery two days before we left. She reacted negatively to the anestesia. I took care of her, throwing up, trying to direct the movers what to do with our stuff.

William taking an ice cream break. He found this gas funnel in the garage and wore it around.

Chaos in Bettendorf

Chaos in Bettendorf II


  1. Allyson, All I can say I am tired from all
    the work you did and still have to do. I wished
    I could just hop on the plane and be there.....
    This will forever be an experience never to be
    forgotten. Your many talents constantly amaze
    me. Your writing skill of describing situations
    is hiliarous. We have to invent some medicine
    for your allegies. Let me check with the immunologist. I love all the pictures. I can't
    wait to see your blog after your Chistmas vacation in Mapleton. Only 12 more days, yeah
    Ich liebe Dich

  2. Dear Allyson,
    This is Mary from Cedar Falls! I miss your family so much and oh is William getting so big! Looks like you are doing well in China and soon will be settled in, that is so great. You should get a facebook so we can keep in touch and you can see new pictures of me. Well, Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

  3. Hi Alyson! Here is my blog address:

    Loved hanging out with you, Miss!

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