Saturday, October 10, 2015

Mayo – Voyage Two

Posted by Bill

Allyson returned late Thursday night from another long week of diagnostic tests, further consultations, and a modified treatment plan.  “Trip Two” to the Mayo was much harder to go on and she had  hard time leaving the family.  My sincere thanks to Omi (Allyson’s Mom) and Sonja (Allyson’s Sister) for meeting Allyson in Rochester and for accompanying her to her appointments this week.  I stayed home with our children and we welcomed Uncle Brad – or Mr. Brad if you’re Andrew - on Tuesday.  We are grateful my brother Brad could come to help this week in Iowa.

The week was rather dynamic with a mixture of both good and bad news and a new treatment plan for Allyson. The good news is after an examination by the ear, nose and throat doctor, they decided no further action would be taken with the tissue in the tonsil.  The tonsil will remain in an observation mode for now.  They didn't find any ulcerated cancer and will follow the watch and wait mode while Allyson deals with the more serious issues of lung and brain. The other piece of good news is that Allyson's colon is free of tumors and the uptake on the PET scan was inflammation, not cancer.   

So the focus for now is on the lung and the brain.   The bad news is that the pulmonolgist, after consulting with the top guy at Mayo, determined because of the location and size of the tumor it is anatomically impossible for them to put a stint in her lung and drain the infection from the "obstructive" pneumonia.  Despite her being on high doses of antibiotics, the infection is too big to be tackled by antibiotics alone.  So, that means that Allyson will have to start radiation with pneumonia, which is higher risk because of the impact radiation has on an already weakened immune system.   Additionally,  they are going to start her on immunology drugs on Monday, rather than waiting until after radiation, because of the infection in her lungs.  She is going to take a new drug called Keytruda.   She will also be enrolled in a clinical study while she is on this drug.   Next week they will determine a plan for lung radiation, hoping they can shrink the tumor enough so her lung can drain the infection.  She is also having brain radiation on Wednesday. After the brain procedure “Gamma Knife," we believe the radiation on the lung tumor will start – not sure on details or timing yet.

One link I found helpful on the brain procedure:

Sonja returned to Missouri on Thursday and Omi came with Allyson to Bettendorf to five very excited grandchildren.   Allyson will hopefully have a good weekend before she has to return to Mayo on Monday.  She dreads these Mayo trips, leaving her kids and suffering from many pokes and prods, which is causing her some anxiety.  

Our many thanks to all who have helped and are willing to help.  We certainly are very appreciative of the many things everyone is doing to support our family. We feel your strength from your faith and prayers.  We continue to remain hopeful.  


  1. We continue to remain hopeful too. It does not matter how far we are from your place in geographic distance, my heart and prayer are alway with your family. This moment, I am looking at the watercolor you painted before our family left Ningbo. I am praying to paint together with you again.

  2. I would love nothing more than to join Allyson at the mayo clinic some time soon. I will remain on call until further notice! Until then, our family will continue to offer prayers in her behalf!

  3. I'm grateful for the good news. Happiness. As for radiation, that is scary stuff. I'm sorry for the anxiety over all the poking a prodding. I can only imagine, and it makes my stomach churn. I'm glad to know specifics, so I can pray for specific blessings. Our prayers continue for all of you. And if you desire to have a picture of your whole family together, say the word, and I'll come over and be in and out of your hair as quickly as possible.

  4. I'm thankful Allyson had the company of her mom and sister to ease (some) of the stress of mayo round 2. We are praying and thinking of you guys. We're here for you!

  5. We are praying for your family. We love you guys and have been saddened to learn of this trial you and Allyson and family are facing. Keep strong!! Colleen, Chaleesa and Casey

  6. We are praying for your family. We love you guys and have been saddened to learn of this trial you and Allyson and family are facing. Keep strong!! Colleen, Chaleesa and Casey

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thank you for the update. We love you and think of your family every day, and pray for you. God bless you!
